Friday, November 27, 2009
Disney Musings
We got up at 6:30 as we were told that as a guest of the Paradise Pier, we could get into the park early, at 7:00. WRONGO!! Sooo, we walked back to the Grand Californian (the new HUGE Hotel on the property) and had their breakfast buffet, which was NOT cheap, but I digress...
We got into the park at opening 8:00 and headed right to Tomorrow Land where we got on Star Tours, Buzz Lightyear, Space Mountain and the submarine ride, with NO wait!!! We then headed into Adventure Land for the Jungle Ride (about 8 minutes) and Pirates (<10 minutes)
A few odd things: The rocket ships that used to be above the people mover have been moved to the entrance to Tomorrow Land. There IS NO PEOPLE MOVER; I was bummed. The Swiss Family Tree House has been converted to "Tarzan's Tree House" and it doesn't make any sense because all the Swiss Family Robinson's stuff is all there, minus the cool stuff like the water wheel and water delivery system. I'd skip it. The Monorail does NOT go all the way to the Disneyland Hotel anymore; it stops in DD.
We wanted to take the sternwheeler around Tom Sawyer's island, but there was no place to sit down, so we got off.
We had lunch in New Orleans Square, and then headed to the Matterhorn. That was our longest wait, >20 minutes. But the line kept moving, and fast.
So we did all the big rides before 5:00. Headed back to the room and we are having dinner with Jeannine Flores (one of our BCMW friends) at 7:00. We'll head back into the park for Fireworks.
California Adventure tomorrow!
8:09 PM. Jeannine joined us for dinner at the PCH grill, and yes, she was wearing pants!
Monday, November 16, 2009
End of Oregon trip
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Oregon Day 6
Friday, November 13. REALLY light day. I have a lesson scheduled with Linfield’s tubist @12:30, then the concert at 7:30. I’m ready to go. We’ll see how the day progresses….
At the end of the concert, I spoke with few people about the though of coming up to Salem once a month to do some teaching. There seemed to be some real interest in this so I'll work on this when I get home.
After we went to a little hotel downtown for some food and I had risotto. I got home about 10:15, read a while & reflected upon the week. As much as I love doing these out of town engagements, it’ll be great to be back at 321 Dallas soon!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Oregon, Day 5
Thursday, November 12. NICE, SLOW morning. Ran around a bit with Joan’s kids and hung around their really nice house, which Paul actually built from scratch. My room is away from the rest of the family and animals that I feel like I’m in guest quarters.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Oregon, Day 4
Wed, Nov 11. – Veteran’s Day. Nothing planned for today. Mary Lou will pick me up noonish to drive me to McMinnville. Being reflective and thankful for all those men & women who put their lives on the line so that we may enjoy the freedoms we DO have left.
It’s supposed to rain all day between here & there. I’m glad I brought my umbrella.
Mary Lou picked me up at noon, and we had a wonderful lunch in an old Victorian house that was converted to a restaurant. We drove out to Dayton, OR, where we were met by Paul, Joan’s husband. We got the the Paddock homestead. Both of Joan’s children, John Martin and Helen, have grown so much since I was here last, I hardly recognized them.
We went to dinner at a great Italian joint, owned by a little old Italian guy who used to cook in Las Vegas for the Rat Pack.
Tomorrow, I have a seminar and a rehearsal. Should be really easy.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Oregon, Day 3
Tuesday, November 10. I had a class at 8 o’clock this morning with a class of FIFTH GRADERS. I did my funny breathing thing, played a tune and we are done; 30-minutes in and out. Then I went over to the high school, where I spoke to a class of young musicians who are interested in various area of the music field. Having been involved in different sides of music (teaching, playing, union activities, management, auditions, and the like) I was able to field many questions, give informed answers (peppered with MY take on things) on a variety of subjects. These are sharp, educated young adults and engaged me in many topics and asked some really pointed questions. This was a 90-minute session. After this class, Mary Lou had her second band and showed the tape from their last marching band show. It was cool just hanging with the kids for this period. DURING the class time, I gave a private lesson to a young tuba student who just switched from baritone and is HIGHLY motivated to improve on tuba. I gave him a copy of my book and we worked for almost an hour.
After, I went for lunch at a nice Chinese place. As I type this, I await my 6:30 ride to the concert.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Oregon Day 2
Monday, November 9, day 2. CRAPPY night’s sleep. Woke at 2 AM and watch Law and Order reruns on local cable access TV. Finally, at 6, I succumbed to the tossing and turning, I got out of bed. I wrote in my blog then got up and went down to breakfast at the Phoenix Inn. I had eggs, sausage, bagel & coffee. My suit jacket was wrinkled when I removed it from my suitcase yesterday and oddly, it didn’t seem so bad this morning. Does is UNwrinkle hanging overnight? Anyway, it needed some touching up. With the iron & board in my room, I got SOME of the wrinkles that were left. Showered, dressed and waiting for Mary Lou to come get me at 8:45.
I got to the Jr Hi about 9 AM and I played and spoke with 3 bands. After a terrific lunch (I had coconut curry summer squash soup!) I went to the High School and rehearsed my solo. After school, I worked with the band’s two tuba players and the euphonium student, who’s name is Tony!
After that, Mary Lou took me on a nice driving tour of Salem. I saw Wilamette College, the revived downtown area, the river walk and other local hot spots. Then we drove through a part of Salem that looked just Like the Capitol Expressway In San Jose, YUCK! We then drove out east and saw miles of beautiful farm land. With the rain up here like it does, the land is green and lush, much like the Santa Cruz hills. We ended our drive at the Governor’s mansion, up in the east side hills. I was delivered safety to my hotel and will have dinner later with Mary Lou .
Had a nice dinner at a local ‘roadhouse.’ Turned in early, asleep by 9:15.
Oregon trip
Saturday, Nov 7, 8:30 PM. The Coast Starlight gets into Diradon Station, San Jose early so I board ahead of time. I have checked my suitcase through. It weighs 45 lbs and they won’t take anything over 50. WHEW! It’ll be lighter coming home as I have several copies of my book that I will be giving away up here. My car attendant is Anthony and he shows me up to my room, 2. Dinner is still being served so I go to the dining car after settling in, where I meet Patrick, who is the dining car steward, and my server, Irma. I have a piece of braised beef and a salad; I am not too hungry. By the time I get back to my car, Anthony has made up my bed and in minutes, I snuggle in and am asleep. I love riding the rails; the motion, the sound of the clacking metal wheels on the tracks.
Sunday, November 8, 3 AM. WIDE AWAKE! SHOOT! I eat the sandwich I brought along from Subway and I turn on Pandora radio. The ”Spa” channel plays this artys-fartsy new agey stuff that puts me right out. 6AM I get up and shower. The train shower is just BARELY large enough for me. But there is plenty of hot water and I feel refreshed. I go to the dining car for breakfast, where I am met once again by Patrick, and Irma. The guys work until 10-11 every night getting ready for the next day, and they have to report back the next morning, 5:30-6:00 to prepare breakfast. I suspect the engineers & conductors have a strong union, and I think the train workers (who have a separate union) do not. I have been told that it harkens back to the day when the engineers & conductors were all white, and the other workers were not.
I go back to my room and listen to Pandora and read. The scenery out my window is beautiful, the lower cascades and Klamath Lake are among my favorite sights. I get a 12:15 lunch reservation.
12:00 I head to the dining car and purchase a commemorative coffee mug, that has a cool picture and ‘Coast Starlight’ on it. I sit at lunch with a couple, Terry & Jerry (YES!!) and a woman who doesn’t offer her name, but hammers 3 bloody marys before my lunch (veggie burger) arrives. We stop in Eugene and she runs out to grab a smoke. Hmmmmm.
Words of wisdom
As a seasoned, certified, old fart, here is some wisdom I have tried to impart to all of my students. I have not always been successful, but...
As a seasoned, certified, old fart, here is some wisdom I have tried to impart to all of my students. I have not always been successful, but...
Friends, I have gone back into production on my Tony Clements Mouthpieces, affectionately called "The Soup Can." The description o...
Over the years, I have had more than a few conversations about the 24AW mouthpiece. Maker (brand) doesn’t matter; Bach, Faxx, Blessing, Jupi...