Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Tuesday, April 28 - Home tonight!!
Yesterday was kind of a weird day. I wasn’t feeling very well and managed to sleep most of the day. There was some beautiful scenery in Colorado as a result of the storm the day before. We stopped here & there and I took pictures of the train in the snow. They are posted on FB. Like I said, I slept most of the day. After lunch I came back to my room, put on “Bourne Supremacy” and promptly fell asleep. The dining car steward came around and took my 7:15 dinner reservation. When I didn’t show, he came and knocked on my door; I never heard him. My neighbor in Room D who DID hear him knock confirmed this. Anyway, I have been eating so much I really wasn’t hungry. At 10:30, I had Linda, my train attendant make up my bed. I put on “Bourne Supremacy” but didn’t make it through the opening credits. I woke at about (what I think was) 5:00 AM. I took a photo (posted on FB) of the desert, and went back to sleep. I got up at 6:00 showered; put on fresh clothes and went to breakfast. Broke fast with a nice couple from Denver (he runs a hotel in Aspen) and a retired gentleman from Pittsburgh. I am anxious to get home as I have SEVERAL Union matters that need tending, I need to start working on the Gregson, and I have my last 4 concerts of the year coming up.
On the Home Stretch.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Monday AM
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Sunday, heading home
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Saturday, heading home
Day 3 @RIC and starting home
Day 3 at RIC. This morning I ran a brass master class. I coached the freshman brass quintet. Nice bunch of kids, good players and needed a little coaching. I adjusted their seating arrangement (DUH!) and worked with them on Monteregian Hills, & their own arrangement of “Bohemian Rhapsody.” That was fun. THEN, I coached a graduate-type tuba quartet who did ALL of their own arrangements. These kids play great and if they play their cards right, just might be able to make it as a pro group. They are talking about coming out to SJ to hang for a week or so. They offered to trade coaching & housing for work around the house. Maybe I’ll finally get my barn painted!
Friday, April 24, 2009
@ Rhode Island College
Day 1 at Rhode Island College
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Tuesday, Day 4, part 1
April 21, Day 4, 8:47 AM.
Boy, did I miss my OWO guys last night!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Monday, Day 3, MUCH later
WHAT A DAY! All day, the California Zephyr was between 3 & 4 hours behind schedule. We’d catch up, then something would happen and we’d lose the time we made. Originally the 6 was supposed to get into Chicago at 3:50. If we were 3 hours late, that gave me 15 minutes to catch the 30 train, the Capitol Limited, which was scheduled to leave at 7:05. As we approached Chicago, it LOOKED like we would arrive between 7 & 7:15. Amtrak would not tell us if they would hold the train or not. Come to find out, there were about 30 of us making a transfer from the 6 to the 30. STILL, they wouldn’t say one way or the other. I called the STATION MANAGER at Chicago’s Union Station and SHE wouldn’t tell me anything. The Zephyr rolled into the station at 7:01. Amtrak rules say (paraphrased) if there is a train IN THE STATION onto which passengers need to transfer, from a train ENTERING the station, they MUST wait for those passengers. So it looked like we were covered. Not only that but literally, from my 6 train, car 631 to my 30 train, car 3000 was 11 steps. Right across the platform, and next to the 631. I got on board, met my attendant, Brenda, offloaded my tuba & big suitcase and went right up into my room, 6. I walked to the dining car and made a 7:30 reservation with Lawrence in the diner. I ate dinner (flat iron steak, fixed PERFECTLY) with a man and his son from Dos Palos. He JUST retired from farming and his son JUST graduated from AMI, the mechanic school in Sacramento. He landed a job fixing diesel engines. They are taking a LONG train trip all over the US.
It’s 9:01 PM and I have had a long day. We are spending MOST of the night in Ohio & western Pennsylvania.
Trip Log, Day 3, Monday
April 20, Day 3, 8:04 AM
Trip Log, Day 2
Sunday, April 19, 12:38 PM.
I slept well last night, unless you count the earthquake dream, which was a direct result of going over some rough track. The quakes in the dream had the same intensity and duration and interval as the train bumping when I awoke. Hmmmmm. Breakfast this morning was ok; I ate with the attorney and her son & his friend again. When you eat, they put you 4 to a table so three of them and one of me make a perfect seating arrangement for dining car personnel.
Let me describe the Amtrak Superliner: the train is two stories tall, about 45 feet long. As my friend Benny says, it is KIND of reminiscent of an aluminum cannoli. On the lower lever there are 3 bathrooms, a shower, 4 roomettes, a family room and a ‘special needs’ room. The luggage is also stored across from the stairway that leads up. Up stairs, there are 5 DELUXE bedrooms, 10 roomettes, a bathroom and a refreshment station.
The roomettes are for one or two people. They have two comfortable seats facing each other. At night, they slide together to make a bed, and there is an upper berth that folds down for sleeping. There is an electrical outlet into which I have plugged an extension cord for my iPod, iPhone and Mac. There is plenty of lighting and view from the upstairs roomettes is wonderful. The deluxe bedrooms have a couch and a chair. The couch folds into a double bed at night (for 2 people) and there is an upper berth, rather like the roomette, that folds down. The Deluxe bedroom has it’s own bathroom/shower combo that, to put it nicely, is small. Even when I had one of these, I showered in the communal shower so I could at least wash myself. The family room stretched the width of the train and can easily house a family of 5. The special needs room is completely handicapped accessible with its own bathroom. This room also stretches the width of the train.
On the California Zephyr, rearward of the sleepers is the dining car, where your meals are taken. Rearward of that is the lounge car, where people hang most of the day. There are side facing seats big windows and tables where you can play cards, eat or I saw some young people doing their Geometry homework. Below the lounge car, snacks of all kinds can be purchased, as can alcohol.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Trip Log, Day 1
10:03 AM
My dear Linda took me up to Emeryville to catch the California Zephyr heading out to Chicago. We got off about 5 minutes late. By 9:05 I was ready for breakfast and they served an abbreviated meal, scrambled eggs, bacon, croissant, coffee, juice. I got back to my sleeper (train 631, room 2) and hooked the Mac up to my iPhone. Jake came over Thursday night to make sure I could get onto the internet with my Mac through the phone. It works like a charm as long as I have cell service. I logged right onto Facebook (what else?) and checked my email. As I write this we are going over the Carquinez Straight, near the mothball fleet. It is HOT in my compartment so I asked Miriam (train attendant) to look into the fan.
4:43 PM. I had lunch in the dining car. A turkey sandwich on something they call a “pretzel roll.” It tasted good, but wasn’t enough food to feed a little old lady. It came with a small salad, yes, Sandra a crappy SIDE salad. After lunch, I walked the train and stopped in the club car for a sandwich. I went back to my room and got out my mouthpiece and buzzed long tones and lip slurs for about 20 minutes. After a stop in Reno, during which I actually got OFF the train for 10 minutes, I came back to my room, put on the recording of the concerto and buzzed along with the recording. My biggest concern is actually having chops when I step off the train in Providence. I took a couple of pictures and posted them on Facebook, one of the photos is Miriam, my train attendant. She seems like a nice lady and hope to chat with her some more. The dining car guy, Jack, just came by and took my dinner reservation. I’ll eat at 5:30 tonight. I started reading one of my books, The Whole Truth by David Baldacci. It’s a spy thriller. After dinner, I plan on buzzing the concerto again, buzz some scales and in the TRITONE OF DEATH. More later….
Words of wisdom
As a seasoned, certified, old fart, here is some wisdom I have tried to impart to all of my students. I have not always been successful, but...
As a seasoned, certified, old fart, here is some wisdom I have tried to impart to all of my students. I have not always been successful, but...
Friends, I have gone back into production on my Tony Clements Mouthpieces, affectionately called "The Soup Can." The description o...
Over the years, I have had more than a few conversations about the 24AW mouthpiece. Maker (brand) doesn’t matter; Bach, Faxx, Blessing, Jupi...